DScaler CVS Instructions
  1. Download WinCVS from http://www.cvsgui.org. Install it.
  2. Download the windows setup program from http://download.sourceforge.net/sfsetup/sfsetup-v1.2.zip. Unzip into a directory such as C:\SSH. Then run sfsetup.exe... It may give you a WinCVS error. That`s OK. Have it set up ssh. Make sure you specify your sourceforge username
    NOTICE TO WINDOWS 2000 USERS - Before running make sure your C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT exists and is writable (and not hidden, not system). It cannot be blank - it must have at least one line of text in it. If it is 0 bytes, add an "@echo off" line to it, followed by an Enter. WINDOWS 95/98/ME Reboot the computer, to load the new AUTOEXEC.BAT settings WINDOWS 2000 Quit all running applications first. You should go to Control Panel->System->Advanced->Environment Variables Add a NEW "HOME" variable with the value equalling the directory you specified in sfsetup.exe. Next, to the existing "PATH" variable, append the path where ssh.exe is located, to the end of the environment variable. (Keep semicolons between directories in the "PATH" variable)
  3. Run WinCVS.
  4. Choose Create-Checkout Module. If "Checkout Module" is grayed out, then click the Modules tab, and then click the topmost folder in the left pane. This should fix things.
  5. You will be prompted for a directory to check out to. Select the desired folder. Click OK.
  6. You will now be prompted for Checkout Settings. For the module name and path on server, it is "dTV", case sensitive. If you are going to be modifying the web site, the module name is "htdocs", case sensitive.
  7. Next, click the General tab, in the "Enter the CVSROOT", type in: ":ext:[your-sourceforge-username]@cvs.deinterlace.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/deinterlace". Replace [your-sourceforge-username] with your username. For example: ":ext:dschmelzer@cvs.deinterlace.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/deinterlace" But don`t use dschmelzer`s SourceForge account. :) Select authentication as "SSH Server". RSA Identity can be left unchecked.
  8. Next, click Globals tab. Make sure the only checkboxes that are checked are the following: Checkbox enabled: "Supply Control When Adding Files". Checkbox enabled: "Dirty Files Support". Checkbox enabled: "Prune (Remove) Empty Directories".
  9. Click OK. After a couple of seconds a minimized ssh DOS window will appear. Maximize the window. It MAY be blank, it MAY say "Password:"; Enter your password even if the DOS window is completely blank without the "Password:" prompt. There will be no echo. Just type your password and then hit Enter.
  10. WinCVS should now be checking out the code.
  11. For those who will be making edits to the code, you can do so with impunity. Make your edits and submit them to the CVS by first selecting the file. Choose Modify-Update Selection from the menu. This merges your local changes with the CVS code. Next, choose Modify-Commit Selection. This will make the changes in the CVS.